Sunday, January 23, 2011

From Worst to First -- Product Review: Udi's Gluten-Free Whole Grain Bread

Maybe they didn't have bread 10,000 years ago. Maybe man did survive on a diet of lean meats and non-starchy vegetables. But I live in the 21st century -- and we like our bread!

For the sake of my health and sanity, I must give up wheat and gluten. This is fact. But do I really have to endure stifling a gag reflex just to have some semblance of a "normal" life? I'd like to think not.

I live in a small town in rural Alabama. I lovingly (ok, maybe not so lovingly) refer to it as BFE. So I was afraid of what going WF/GF was going to be like, since I was sure my options would be bordering on nill. I looked into making my own bread, but, most GF bread recipes call for at least 3, maybe 4, different kinds of flour, several starches and some kind of emulsifier to bind it all together. Add to that the cost of yeast, and eggs, and whatever else you have to have and it equals up to very, VERY expensive.

I had been reading reviews on GF foods and Udi's got very high marks. So, I decided to see if my local grocer carried it and if they did, I was going to give it a try. And, I am so glad I did!

Besides the crust being a little harder than "normal" bread, I am in LOVE! No longer do I feel perplexed when I need to find something "quick" to eat. I can make a sandwich and eat on the run just as I always have! YAY ME!

Udi's also makes White Sandwich Bread, Bagels, Pizza Crusts, Muffins, and Granola. I can't wait to try them all! If you are living WF/GF, RUN don't walk to the store, find this bread and buy a loaf!

You can thank me later!


  1. Wow! so glad you found some bread that is good to eat!!

  2. I bought a loaf of the Udi's White Sandwich bread today. As soon as I eat the rest of the Udi's Whole Grain, I'll be reviewing that one, too. :)
