The weekend I made the discovery that I may be allergic to wheat, I decided I would do a little experiment. I would stop eating anything with wheat and/or gluten and see what would happen. So that's what I did.
For the first few days, I moved things back and forth in the cabinets and fridge to get them out of my way. Finally, I'd had enough. I went to the closet, grabbed some plastic grocery bags and started packing everything away.
I went days and everything was great. My energy level was better than it had been in months. I could breathe. Gone was the pain and stiffness in my joints. I felt really good for the first time in a year.
And then it happened.
I accidentally gluten-ated myself.
Did you know BROTH contains wheat? Yeah, neither did I. Trust me, I do now.
Instantly, I sounded as if I had caught the worst cold. This time it started with an itchy nose (it's amazing at how quickly you pick up on symptoms when you haven't had any for a few days), then my nose stuffed up, my face immediately began swelling, my chest grew increasingly tighter until I was gasping for air. This time a new symptom, one I'd never had before (or maybe did and didn't realize it was related), I got the most TERRIBLE headache.
I have gluten-ated myself more times than I care to mention. Now, weeks after starting this WF/GF lifestyle, there is no doubt what's been poisoning me for so long.
When my Aunt came to visit so I could do her hair, she left with six grocery bags and a box, full of foods not only that I cannot eat but will not eat. Everyone says, "OH! I couldn't do that! I love bread too much!".
I promise you. If you start feeling bad enough, not only to think -- but actually start believing you are going to die soon, you'll be glad to do anything you have to.
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